Tip Your Faves
It’s now been about two months since most of us have been in lockdown and have made social distancing a way of life in order to help slow the explosive spread of COVID-19.
That’s two months of not going out to restaurants.
Of not getting your hair cut or your manicure.
Of not sending your child to daycare.
Of not staying in hotels.
Of not doing so many more things we considered to be normal not so long ago.
To make matters worse, there’s no clear end in sight, no clear path back to “normal”, whatever form that may take.
As a result of this, these service industry businesses have been hit very hard. Of course, that means the people who work in service industry jobs are hurting badly. The new unemployment numbers in the U.S. every week are devastating. Approximately 9 out of 10 people who have recently filed for unemployment are in the service industry. They are our waitstaff, our stylists, our housekeepers, our dog walkers, and so many more things.
In an effort to help smooth out this difficult time for people whose livelihoods have been affected, this past week, I teamed up with my friends at Fresh LLC, Bowst, and OctoCog Marketing & Design to build #TipYourFaves.

The goal of Tip Your Faves is to reconnect people with their favorite service industry workers and support their community in a direct, one-to-one way. Service industry workers, who always take care of others, can list themselves on Tip Your Faves along with links to their Venmo, Paypal, or other payment apps. This way, their patrons can find them and send them tips to help them out.
If you have any service industry folks in your life, encourage them to list themselves.
If you’re able, find your favorite service industry workers and send them a few bucks.